Did you know that you can find the status of your locates?
Montana811 has been providing some statuses of the locates for several years now, but not a lot of utility owners provided that information back to us, to provide to you. As of June 9th, 2022 we will be using new statuses and are encouraging all member utility companies to start providing statuses of their locates. (MEMBER UTILITY COMPANIES please see note at the bottom of this page.)
If you provided an email address when submitting your locate request or if you submitted online via ITICnxt you will get a copy of the ticket emailed to you.

You will also get emailed anytime a status has been updated regarding your locate request as well as at the end of the 2 full business days.

TIP – If you submit a lot of locates we recommend that you create a folder in your email program using your locate ticket number as the name/title where you can move any emails regarding your ticket. You can even create a “rule” that any email contacting the ticket number will be moved automatically into that folder. That way it will be easier to manage your multiple tickets.
You can also find the status anytime by going to your ITICnxt account. On the “My Tickets” page:

Click on the ticket you want to check, then go to the “Members notified” section.

You can also go to www.managetickets.com and enter the ticket number.
Please note that some updates from the utilities may happen very quickly or some may have to wait until they get back into service to provide an update with our system.
New Statuses
Here are the new statuses effective June 9th, 2022, and what they mean:
Clear/No Conflict
The reporting member is stating the work area as defined on the ticket is clear of their facilities and that no marks may be visible. Often this will be accompanied by their locator writing “Clear” or “OK” in the color of the type of utility and the company name abbreviation.
The reporting member is stating the work area as defined on the ticket has been marked.
Note: If the excavator has any questions regarding specific markings they should contact that locator directly via the “marking concerns” number listed for that utility.
Work-in-Progress – Not Yet Completed
The reporting member is stating that the locating was started, and some marks may be on the ground but are not completed yet. Marks are expected to be completed in 2 full business days from the date the ticket was submitted. Do not start working until the marks are completed.
Not Marked – Contact Locator ASAP
The reporting member is stating the locator is having issues contacting the excavator and has questions regarding the locate request and needs the excavator to contact them to help get the locate completed in a timely manner. The locator may enter information into the remarks section to explain the issue, unable to access the excavation area or other such issues.
Does not allow the utility or locator to not locate or to go past the 2 full business days from the date the ticket was submitted.
Marked, Utility Representative Required
The reporting member is stating the work area as defined on the ticket has been marked but they require a representative of the utility company to be present when excavating near their facility.
Does Not Report
Although technically not a response by the utility, this is displayed when a member does not report the status of their locating. An excavator would be required to contact them directly to find out the status of their locating on this ticket.
MEMBER UTILITY COMPANIES – To start providing status simply and easily online, contact Kevin or Brian with the Call Center at 877-668-4001. While you are talking to them ask them about the ticket management feature of ITICnxt.