Planning on starting a garden over Labor Day? Want to install an outdoor fire pit on Thanksgiving? Keep in mind that after filing a locate request with Montana 811 (MT811), you must wait two full business days, excluding weekends and holidays, before you begin digging. The day you call DOES NOT count towards the standard two-day notice. Plan ahead when digging over a holiday, since you will need to wait additional time for the underground utilities to get marked in your proposed digging area. When a holiday listed occurs on a Saturday, the preceding Friday is not considered a business day. When a holiday listed occurs on a Sunday, the following Monday is not considered a business day. See the graphic below for the list of holidays that MT811 observes.
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811 For Kids
School is out and warm weather is here! Kids love digging outside, whether to make mud pies or to dig for treasure, so it’s never too soon to teach them about 811. The lesson of underground utility safety should begin early. Elementary age youth are more impressionable and “rule embracing” than students entering upper grades. Teaching young children about 811 provides an opportunity to influence attitudes and behaviors while they are still being formed.
Continue reading “811 For Kids”Summer Safe Digging Reminders
The busy digging season is underway! Montana 811 (MT811) reminds everyone of these important points as they consider starting any outdoor digging projects:
Continue reading “Summer Safe Digging Reminders”April is National Safe Digging Month
Spring has arrived, and you know what that means- the beginning of excavating season! April marks an important month for the underground damage prevention industry. Since 2007, the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate have recognized April as National Safe Digging Month (NSDM). This month reminds the public to contact Montana 811 (MT811) at least two business days, excluding weekends and holidays, before any excavation project to prevent any damage to underground utilities, injuries, and the disruption of essential services.
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